Today we started with one of my favourite, fun warm-up exercises—The Scribble Challenge! This fun activity for all ages that is great for developing our problem solving ability.
We started by using a marker of any colour, and made a large scribble on paper. Next, we filled in the spaces of our scribbles while trying our best to follow these two rules:
- Use only three colours.
- The same colour cannot share a "wall".
For today’s class, I offered the students another new material to draw with—pencils… and not just boring HB pencils, but a full array of 2H, HB, 2B, 4B and 6B. These pencils vary in hardness therefore different pencils help to make lighter or darker values. Hard pencils, 2H and HB = light lines. Soft pencils, 2B, 4B and 6B = darker lines (the higher the number, the softer the pencil).
With such an array of pencils, one can use this variety of values to create "atmostpheric" perspective showing how in a landscape, items in the distance and close to the horizon line are lighter than items closer to you and further from the horizon, such as seen in a landscape of mountains.
So, this was our challenge, a mountain range using different values and taking advantage of all of our different pencils creating dark mountains in the front and lighter mountains in the back. Everyone had a bit of a different style. Have a look!—
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