For today’s class we started with a fun warm-up exercise—The Scribble Challenge! This is a fun activity for all ages that is great for developing our problem solving ability. We started by using a skinny marker of any colour, and made a large scribble on paper. Next, we filled in the spaces of our scribbles while trying our best to follow these two rules:
- Use only three colours.
- The same colour cannot share a "wall".
Now that we were all warmed up, we proceeded with our lesson. Today we used our drawing elements (various lines, circles and dots) to try to draw trees. I started by showing the class a variety of techniques for trees such as using straight lines vs using wavy lines for tree trunks or using shapes vs short ticked lines for leaves. After a few examples, the children started on their own creations.
Before starting any of our trees, we began by drawing a HORIZON line which defined where the ground would be where our trees would be growing. This was a great opportunity to talk a bit about perspective and how things appear smaller when further away and bigger when close up. I challenged all of the kids to draw a variety of trees with some being in the foreground and others in the background.
I greatly admire the courage and creativity of some of these kids! Many were willing to experiment with all kinds of different shapes, textures, lines and colours. Check out the great results below!
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